With the start of the holiday season soon upon us, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for you placing your faith in my ability to support you in realizing your  optimum health and wellness.  It truly is my privilege to serve every patient with the best possible care.

I will be not be in clinic from November 23, 2020 to January 1, 2021; I will return to in-person office hours starting Tuesday, January 5, 2021.  During my absence, I would like to offer three options in continuing care:

1. Acupatching – DIY meridian point stimulation.  LifeWave Acupatching, is the application of small patches which contain organic crystals that are stimulated by your body heat to reflect low levels of light to stimulate acupuncture points. Each type of patch comes in a sleeve with 30 individual discs, as well as a guide on placement; typically, no more than four-five  patches are used in each treatment, so there are 6-7 treatments with each purchase. We can schedule a video consult to ensure proper placement.


2. Ear Seeds: This resource has seeds (or Swarovski crystals) to address emotional conditions with names that are familiar ~ such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, focus and memory.  Earseeds is a pain-free wellness option for everyone, including children. Each Self-Care Acupressure Auricular Therapy Kit comes with its own chart that describes point location in the ear to apply for acupressure on acupuncture points. You can purchase Earseeds through my online store by clicking HERE and we can schedule a video consult to ensure proper placement.


3. Referral to my colleague, Melissa Berg, L.Ac., pictured above, is available to treat local patients in her practice, Tree of Life Acupuncture, located at 712 D Street, Suite J, in San Rafael. Melissa’s office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-6 (last patient at 5pm), and Saturdays 10-3. Please contact me in order to schedule your appointment with Melissa. I will share with her your medical history to ensure you receive the level of care you’ve come to know with me.


Wishing you good health and great cheer as we wrap up 2020!
